Short-Term Work Assignments in South Africa

A short-term work visa is a great solution when an employer is desperately in need of an employee for a special task that should not take any longer than 90 days. For example, this type of work visa can be used for a short-term contract to set-up a special project at a company within South Africa and where the foreign workers skills are specifically needed.

Unlike other work visas, a short-term work visa will allow an applicant to apply and arrive in South Africa on a much quicker basis (normally 10 working days turn-around time). There is no verification of qualifications  through SAQA needed, not to mention working with the Department of Labour (in the instance of a general work visa) or a professional body (in the instance of a critical skills visa). Not having to provide these documents cuts the processing time  into about a quarter of the time it takes for a more long-term work visa.

A short-term work visa will be granted to an applicant who has an employer in South Africa desperate for the special skills and/or qualifications that an applicant can bring to the country and can motivate for the particular foreign applicant. Unlike a general work visa, the employer does not have to go through the Department of Labour and an extensive search for a South African equivalent of the applicant.

As a short-term work visa is categorized as a form of tourism visa in terms of section 11 of the Immigration Act, it is not possible to change for a more long term visa from within South Africa, but it may be possible to extend the short term work visa through VFS Global South Africa for an additional 90 days if good cause can be provided to do so.