Registering your foreign marriage

Registering Your Foreign Marriage in South Africa

Finding love during your time abroad is something truly magical. Two souls connecting from different walks of life is something unique and thereby proving that love is indeed far from dead. Once you decide to tie the knot in another country, there are a few things you will need to know in terms of registering your foreign marriage in South Africa.

The process of registering your foreign marriage is nowhere near as chaotic or cumbersome compared to its local counterpart; due to the lack of a formal registration for being married abroad. However, the Department of Home Affairs(DHA) advises you to inform them of your marriage abroad. The reason for this is the changing of surnames and marital status of your name on the population register. It is also important to reflect the correct marital status when applying for your spouse’s temporary or permanent residency or registering the birth of the child.

These documents are required to register your foreign marriage in South Africa:

  • A written request for registration of marriage abroad, including the applicant’s full contact details, such as mobile number, email address and physical home address (this is normally done on a form when you are at the department of home affairs)
  • An original and certified copy of your South African Passport or Identity Document;
  • An original and certified copy of your foreign marriage certificate. This is to be accompanied by an English translation provided by a Sworn Translator if the original marriage certificate is not in English.

The entire process is free of charge; however, no certificate will be given upon completion of the application. If you are registered as a female, as an applicant you will have the option of keeping their maiden surname, taking on their married surname or a combination of both. Applicant registered as female can then apply for their South African identity document with their new surname.

If you are registered as a male South African citizen and want to change your surname, you are required to fill out a formal application for the change of surname – but keep in mind that this can also only be done in certain circumstances which may require additional legal assistance.

Registering for your foreign marriage in South Africa is a relatively straightforward and painless experience. This is great considering that your time spent overseas with your loved one can remain stress-free!

June Luna Immigration Attorneys (JLIA) is determined to help any foreigner find solace in the land of South Africa. With unbridled expertise, years of experience and a driving passion to help others, Juna Luna knows what it takes to ensure a successful application. Not only does JLIA help foreigners coming into South Africa, but aims to assist those looking to spread their wings and uncover new horizons in foreign lands.

If you are in the process of getting married abroad, registering your foreign marriage in South Africa is a painless and important process to undertake. If you would like to learn more about our incredible team and the services we offer, contact us today.